men of the march
Six men share why they participated in the Women's March on Washington and/or ways in which toxic masculinity affects their lives | Exhibited at the Photographic Resource Center in Boston

Why are you marching today?
I want to use what I have as a white male to help less privileged people. I hope that some day everyone can be on a level playing field.

What traditionally feminine things do you wish were socially acceptable for men to do?
I don’t believe in the traditional stuff. I clean the house.

What traditionally feminine things do you wish were socially acceptable for men to do?
I wish guys could freely express their feelings.

What traditionally feminine things do you wish were socially acceptable for men to do?
I wish family leave laws included men. I would have stayed home a lot longer with my son.

Why are you marching today?
I am marching to support the ladies, to support my wife and the things she loves to do.

What traditionally feminine things do you wish were socially acceptable for men to do?
I would like to feel comfortable in any clothing.
Quito love motel
